Spotify - #MéxicoEsImparable

Gen Z.

Everyone wants their attention. But no one seems to really listen to them. Because their reality is much more complex than videogames and TikTok dances. They mix their roots with whatever makes sense to them. 

You can see it in how they look. How they share. Even in how they sound. In Spanish we call it “Mezcla”. But Spotify wanted to amplify this mix to be the speaker of this new legacy.

That’s where MEZCLA became MEXCLA.

Because we are the mix between techno and corridos.

​We are the ones who were born with hats and grew up with reggaeton.

We are the M and the X in every MIX.

We are the only ones that can mix Hip Hop with Banda.

Mexico is unstoppable. Reproduce it. ​

IAB Mixx 2023

Oro Diversidad & Inclusión 

Bronce Cross Media




Vertical Bike