Reinserta - Hurricane

n late October 2023, Hurricane Otis caused havoc in Acapulco in Guerrero, Mexico. NGO, Reinserta, that works for the wellbeing of children and adolscents moved into action to provide support to children and adolescents in the area.

While the devastation of the hurricane was still on everyone’s minds, Grey Mexico and directors, Alex Olten and Iris Valles “Garra”, made a short film.

It tells the story of two sisters who fear the powerful force of a hurricane that finally turns out to be their abuser. Impeccable crafted, the heartbreaking film made with cinematographer, Pedro Luque, recently nominated to the Oscars for the film, Society of the Snow, keeps its subject secret until the end, until intense drama of the children’s terror has been absorbed by viewers.

“To really understand the suffering experienced by victims of childhood sexual violence, we have to put ourselves in their shoes and feel the pain as our own. That’s what we want to achieve with Hurricane,” stated Saskia Niño De Rivera, co-founder and spokesperson for

